Rancher Rank

50.00 USD

The Rancher rank receives the following;

- [$] in game tag

- /kit Schofield (Gives you a schofield revolved and ammo)

- /kit Airship (Gives you an airship)

- /kit Roof (Gives you the uncraftable roof tiles seen at spawn)

- Cooldowns are reduced by 50%

- Warmups are reduced by 50%

- You will no longer be interrupted by moving (damage will still interrupt you)

- /sethome is reduced to a one hour cooldown

- You can use /nick to set your nickname [Using this to impersonate someone may result in it being removed from you]

- /heal to fully heal and feed yourself.

- 6000 Land deeds

You also receive the settler, explorer, pioneer and cowboy rank perks;

- /kit Dynamite (Gives you 12 dynamite sticks) 

- /kit Firebomb (Gives you 12 fire bombs) 

- /kit ShortShotgun (Gives you a steven's coachgun + ammo) 

- /kit Powder (Gives you 32 gunpowder) 

- /kit Medic (Gives you 4x Regen II Potions) 

- /kit Mine (Gives you two ruby tokens)

- /kit Ranch (Gives you two wheat tokens)

- /kit Henry (Gives you two stacks of Henry repeater ammo and a Henry repeater)

- /kit Cowboy (Gives you a full set of cowboy gear)

- /kit British (Gives you some British foods)

- /kit Iron (Gives you iron tools)

- /kit Mauser (Gives you a mauser with ammo)

- /kit glass (Gives you a few stacks of glass)

- /kit frame (Gives you a handful of item frames)

- /kit high (Gives you some items to get high with)

- /kit usa (Gives you some American foods)

- /kit xp (Gives you 20 xp bottles)

- /kit colt (Gives you a colt navy + ammo)

- /kit mexican (Gives you mexican foods)

- /kit logs (Gives you a few stacks of logs)

- /kit survive (Gives you some quick survival foods)

You will also recieve ten wild west tokens for use in the ingame premium store and five double eagles.